Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Prosperous Healer and Sacred Intimate

This is a journal entry from Monday 7/22/13

I'm looking for an insight I can put to practical use for prosperity class.
  • One option has to do with being more aware of the God Substance surrounding me.
  • Another is Chapter 9 in Spiritual Economics pages 155-156: “...Mattern had to overcome was the feeling of needing money... you need faith. You need a flow of creativity. You need ideas... if you consciously imbue your money with the idea of abundance, it will begin to work for you in a positive way. Suddenly the seemingly little supply becomes dynamic seed money, giving rise to unbelievable increase.

This is a journal entry from Tuesday 7/23/13

I am clothed in divine substance. The power of God supports me. The intelligence of God is fully available to me.

I have a technical interview today. I feel anxiety. I don't think I can "pass" this interview. Even though I am not attached to this job, I feel threatened by the interview – of having my lack of knowledge exposed. I want a job, but I don't want to have to interview. I hate the powerless vulnerable exposed position of being interviewed. What true affirmations can I hold onto?

I am fully qualified for his position. Anything I don't know, I can learn. My skills are impeccable. My wisdom runs deep.

This is a journal entry from Thursday 7/25/13

I woke up this morning and my ego/conscious mind thinks it's responsible for finding a job. God is the source of my supply and I am swimming in substance that provides for every need.

The first thing I have to overcome is the feeling of needing money. God is the source of all-providing substance. I am worthy of prosperity – which is the multiplying of manifesting substance.

My conscious mind tells me the best way to be able to expand my sacred healing calling is to find a nicely paying job with insurance and vacation. I am swimming in divine substance that responds to thoughts I hold in mind. How do allow God's prospering power to flow through me – or for me.

My faith operates on the field of divine substance that surrounds me and manifests opulent prosperity. I prosper as healer and Sacred Intimate.

My consciousness sometimes acts as an impediment because of the influence of ego. I would like to find ways to set it aside so that I can continue to unfold spiritually and find my true strength.

This is a journal entry from Friday 7/26/13

There are several things going through my mind this morning. What do I want my life to look like? What do I want my day to look like? What service do I want to provide?

I am afraid getting a full time job again will pull me off track in my life mission. Life is too short to be doing other people's work. Having money for these intensives that open me up is great, but working without any enthusiasm depletes me.

My instinct says to follow my enthusiasm. What inspires me? I am still afraid, afraid of living my greatness.

This is a journal entry from Sunday 7/28/13

I'm considering what to do about my Sacred Intimacy landing page. What do I present?

How do you experience your body in the world today? There has been a prevalent thrust to deny the body and emotions in modern culture. We see how this plays out when those in the public sphere repress and hide their natures so deeply that the pressure builds and they act out in unhealthy ways, leading to scandals.

What if you gave yourself permission to consciously meet your physical and emotional needs? What if you could spend 90 minutes a month and escape the superficial life of modern society and experience deeper connection with another human being as nature intended? What if you could practice being physically and emotionally intimate with another human in a safe and calming nonjudgmental environment? What if you could gently stretch your comfort zone, whatever your present comfort zone is?

Maybe being intimate with a man is tough. Maybe sex seems so routine that you think you need more extreme sensation. Maybe a no-strings-attached professional is exactly what you need to reconnect with deeper more meaningful desires. My calling in life is to be of service in this way for you.

This is a journal entry from Saturday 8/3/13

With the reading from the SEE classes and Work Less, Make More book and my Yoga of Sex class, there is more on my plate than I can handle. I want to grab hold and complete everything. I feel my whole body tightening up to fight for it. That approach doesn't work.

I've also updated my website with a focus on Sacred Intimacy and I've begun asking men to join me for Orgasmic Yoga. Responding to everyone has been time consuming. I'm also responding to recruiters. I need to own my time. I haven't found a balance yet.

My relationship with time is not right. I perceive myself having less and less time. I see things that are not being completed. I can imagine living in the eternal present moment, but I'm not making progress with Yoga of Sex because of  other concerns. I want to accomplish too much, so I accomplish very little. I've actually accomplished much as far as redirecting my life toward my heart's desire.

I feel that I need to release my demands on what I do. I need to release the way of seeing time that I received from the world, and let God be my vision.

Just like everything else, God is my supply. He provides for all my needs before I ask. I feel that it's time to tune into that supply. My mission in life was given me by God. To live my mission brings me fulfillment. I can surrender myself to the will of God. That would align me with my authentic self.

Thank you, God, for guiding me. I rejoice in my mission of service to you. Thank you for the abundance of divine substance that I form and shape through faith. My faith operates on the field of divine substance that surrounds me to opulently prosper me in my calling as healer and Sacred Intimate.

This is a journal entry from Sunday 8/4/13

I'm looking for a new way of life. I must always begin from this state of mind, where I am not governed by a clock. I live in the eternal present moment. I Am an extension of God, who  provides for me my every need. My job is to be unlimited.

My rational mind tells me there's not enough time to do all the reading I want to do and all the studying. In the end, I am here to act, not to prepare. But I was given this mind to support my mission in the physical world.

I want to serve as a Sacred Intimate, foster sacred erotic community, and advocate for sexual freedom.

I want to nurture myself with orgasmic yoga, physical exercise, and healthy food. I want to grow my ability to serve by completing my Yoga of Sex and Sexological Bodyworker trainings and to become a Licensed Unity Teacher.

I recognize my relationship with time is broken. I believe I am limited to 24 hours per day and that there is too much to do. That all comes from the world. The Truth is that I'm an eternal mind being living in the eternal present moment. Since time itself is an illusion, how can there ever be “enough” of it?

God provides for all that I need. All that I ask, I receive. I wish to live a wholly (holy) satisfying life in the eternal present moment. My sense that there isn't enough time ultimately stems from a sense of mortality and an ending to this physical manifestation. Life is going faster and faster to that endpoint. I can surrender and let God worry about that so that I can focus on living.

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