Thursday, September 26, 2013

My first erotic education DVD is coming.

I'm posting this from lovely Palm Springs at the Vista Grande/Avalon/Mirage. We just arrived yesterday after spending a few days in Las Vegas. I didn't win millions of dollars, but there's a casino here. :)

This is a journal entry from Tuesday 9/9/13

I left my job in April so that I could work on some projects of my own. I'm uncomfortable not having a corporate job, but I'm free at the moment. If I can find what I'm looking for, I never have to go back to work.

I have been adaptable, reworking my website, looking for ways to make myself known. I understand the metaphysics. I focus on the ultimate goal and let go of the rest. I open myself to opportunities. It's never as simple as it seems. It's much simpler.

My brain is limited, but I am not. I only have a little time left to get my life in order before it takes off. Expunge the past.

This is a journal entry from Monday 9/16/13

I attended a CBE over the weekend. A question was asked about what we wanted to learn. My intention had been to be more clear about the direction of my life. What I came up with was that what I wanted to learn was that I could be going in the right direction without trying. How else can I phrase that? Instead of trying to figure out the direction for my life, I could allow it to be and to unfold. Just answering the question was the thing I was trying to learn.

Another piece of that came up after the last big draw. I had the sensation of drifting forward and kind of bobbing in the new position. That felt like another answer to the question about my direction: The only direction I need to go is forward. Maybe that's just the answer for now, but I find it satisfying. I was looking for something more concrete, but maybe that's not what's important right now.

And I do have a direction forward. I am about to reproduce an erotic DVD. That will be something I own and can sell online. That would allow the possibility of a passive income. I also intend to write a book which could provide another avenue of passive income. With that and a Sacred Intimacy business, there's the possibility I could achieve a living income without selling my soul.

I also need to update my resume with my business experience.

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