Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sacred Intimate Journey Volume 1: Pleasure

Good news, everyone!

My first erotic education DVD is currently being reproduced for release in the next few weeks. I expect to begin shipping pre-ordered DVDs on September 16, 2013. I'm just at the beginning of my Sacred Intimate journey and this video captures that. There is much more to Sacred Intimacy than simply touching. The erotic energy that I can generate can foster healing and create change in your life. This DVD is just the beginning.

This video contains two sessions. The first is a demonstration of my Orgasmic Yoga practice. Every session is different, but it can form the foundation for anyone wanting to start a practice of their own. I describe what I'm doing as you watch and hopefully practice along with me.

I give Scott T. Trott an erotic massage for the second session. It's a fairly brief session, but I also describe what I'm doing so that you and an intimate friend can follow along.

This DVD costs $29.95. Please consider ordering it now!

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